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Fog and Nature

Outdoor cooking



Nivel de dificultate


Outdoor cooking


Outdoor Education, Culture, Experiential Learning, Communication

Mediu inconjurator

Outdoor, Indoor

Durata (minute)


Nivel de dificultate


Numărul de participanți

5 per team, Up to 30

Materiale necesare


Plate and cutlery


Scopuri si obiective

Learn to cook outside, on a primus or at the bonfire.


Raw jam

Pick berries, mash them with a fork and mix them with sugar. Taste as you add sugar. If you are in Norway you can look for blueberries or cloudberries. Tip: Good with pancakes!

Gahkku - Thin bread from Sapmi

Gahkku is a traditional softbread, perfect for outdoor adventures. If it is used for festivities such as the Sami National Day the 6th of february, it is sweetened with anise seeds and syrup.

8 portions

25 g yeast

5 dl water

1 ss sugar

1 ts salt

1,5 l flower


Butter/neutral oil for frying

Mix warm water with the dry ingredients. Let it rest for 10 minutes. After that mix it with the rest of the ingredients and let it rest for at least an hour. You can make the bread on a pan or a flat rock. Split the dough in small parts and make it flat like a pancake before you fry it. Tastes good with raw jam or in addition to a soup or a stew.

Mushroom Risotto

Risotto is an easy recipe to use outdoors since you can put everything in one pot. If it is the season for picking mushrooms it is even better. In advance it is good to prepare the students with pictures and information about the mushrooms you can find in the area, and also that you have knowledge to say if it is an edible mushroom or not. If the students are new beginners it is easier to focus on one or two types of mushroom to begin with.

4 portions

2 shallot onions

1 clove of garlic

1 ss olive oil

15 g butter

200 g risotto rice

1,5 dl white wine (an option is apple juice)

2 tsp salt

1,5 l vegetable broth

30 g parmesan

400 g mushrooms of your choice

2 ss butter for frying

5 ss chopped parsley

50 g parmesan (to add after the cooking)

Chop shallot and garlic and fry it in butter and oil on medium temperature until it gets soft.

Turn up the heat a little and add the rice. Mix it all together and pour in the wine after the rice gets blank.

Add the vegetable broth. Make sure that you stir all the time so the rice doesn't burn. It will take approximately 15 - 20 min until it is done. Remember to taste to be sure if it is finished or not.

In the end mix it with parmesan and cover the risotto for 2 min.

Serve with parsley.

Norwegian fish soup

Fish soups are perfect for outdoor adventures, especially if you are planning to go fishing. There are many variations to fish soups, and this one is a simple and easy one, but still tastes delicious.

4 portions

2 potatoes

2 carrots

½ celery root

1 onion

2 garlic cloves

1 l vegetable or fish broth

1 tsp salt

½ tsp pepper

3 dl creme fraiche

400 g fish

Herbs (optional)

Chop the vegetables. Pour fish broth and vegetables in a kettle. Let it simmer for 5 - 10 min. Pour in the creme fraiche and let it cook before you add the fish. Stir in between to make sure it doesn't burn. Let it simmer for another 5 min. Serve with herbs if you want to.

Campfire Twist Bread

1kg of flower (can be any, good is wheat)

15g of fresh yeast

1 tablespoon of salt

½ tablespoon of sugar

2 big spoons of oil

600ml water (warm)

Mix warm water with yeast and sugar together. Let it rest for 10 minutes. After that mix it with the rest of the ingredients and let it rest for at least an hour.

After that you can bake it on the campfire. Find some wooden branches and make at the end of the branch some cuts with a knife. Twist a little bit of dough around the end of the branch and hold into the fire braze. Wait until its baked enough.

Festive twist: Add saffron and raisins to the recipe and you have traditional norwegian “lussekatter” or lucia bread. Twist the dough around the branch forming a 8 if you want the traditional look. Traditionally we eat this on the 13th of december as we celebrate Saint Lucy's Day.


Riscuri si recomandari

Allergies and eating restrictions

Cunoașterea și competența facilitatorilor

A tine minte...

Get an overview of diets and allergies before planning.

This is a fun activity to combine with harvesting in nature. This requires knowledge from the facilitator, for instance about mushrooms, berries etc.


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