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Journal of Experiential Education

Association of experiential education

The Journal of Experiential Education (JEE) is an international, peer-reviewed journal which publishes refereed articles on experiential education in diverse contexts. The JEE provides a forum for the empirical and theoretical study of issues concerning experiential learning, program management and policies, educational, developmental, and health outcomes, teaching and facilitation, and research methodology

 Journal of Experiential Education


Outlife - Outbound Training - Team Building


"Outlife conducts Outbound Training Activities, Team Building Games and Employee Engagement Activities They conduct team building and outbound training in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Pune, Mumbai and Delhi.

The team building activities for employees follow experiential learning practices and have a strong commitment to fun, learning and excellence in training. Their Youtube Channel contains playlists of practical exampels for common teambuilding exercises."

 Outlife - Outbound Training - Team Building


Zeitschrift für Erlebnispädagogik

Zeitschrift für Erlebnispädagogik

This magazine was founded in 1981 as a national information service "Sailing and Social Education" and has been continued since 1987 as a "Journal for Experiential Education". It is aimed at people and institutions who attach personality-building importance to experiential education. As the first and so far only magazine in German-speaking countries, it is primarily dedicated to experiential education and continuously to its action-oriented concerns. It has now developed into an important forum for the supra-regional exchange of ideas and opinions and has made a significant contribution to not only determining the content of the very lively technical discussion at different levels, but also to differentiating and broadening it: In addition to leisure-education and nature sports-oriented concerns, Activities and projects have recently brought musical-artistic, technical, cultural and ecologically accentuated fields of practice and research into focus and at the same time become the focus of international experiential education interest. The “Magazine for Experiential Education” offers itself as a communication platform; it invites you to think, collaborate and participate.

 Zeitschrift für Erlebnispädagogik


"Behavior and Group Management in Outdoor Adventure Education"
Theory, research and practice

Alan Ewert, Curt Davidson

Outdoor adventure activities are becoming an increasingly popular part of physical education programs. The physical risks of these activities are often foremost in the minds of both instructors and participants, yet it is managing group behavior which can prove to be the most difficult. This is the first book for students and practitioners to address this essential aspect of outdoor adventure education (OAE).

"Behavior and Group Management in Outdoor Adventure Education"
Theory, research and practice


"Experiential Learning and Outdoor Education Traditions of practice and philosophical perspectives "

Jim Parry, Pete Allison

This book adds to the theoretical development of the emerging fields of experiential learning and outdoor education by examining the central concept, 'experience', and interrogating a central claim of experiential learning: whether, and if so how, a short-term singular experience can transform a participant’s life as a whole and in a permanent way.

"Experiential Learning and Outdoor Education Traditions of practice and philosophical perspectives "

English, Romanian

"Leadership Curriculum Impact
Destinat cluburilor de initiativa comunitara pentru tineri IMPACT"

Maria Butyka, Sorana Bobaru, Lindsay Squires

The present work was carried out by Fundaţia Noi Orizonturi within the project "IMPACT - model of extracurricular non-formal education in Romania" (2010-2012), financed by the Romanian-American Foundation (RAF). Conţinutul acestul material nu represents în mod necessar pozizia oficială a RAF.
Dreptul de copyright pentru this publication aparţine Fundaţiei Noi Orizonturi. Reproducerea parţială sau integrală a eștiui material este permisă doar cu acordul scris al Fundaţiei Noi Orizonturi şi în condițiiți menţionării sursei.

"Leadership Curriculum Impact
Destinat cluburilor de initiativa comunitara pentru tineri IMPACT"


Friluftsliv pedagogiske, historiske og sosiologiske perspektiver"

"Andre Horgen
Merete Lund Fasting
Torbjørn Lundhaug
Leif Inge Magnussen
Ketil Østrem "

Out! Outdoor recreation - educational, historical and sociological perspectives contribute to research-based knowledge about outdoor recreation. The anthology opens up perspectives on the connection between outdoor life and education, in the light of philosophy, play and learning. It places outdoor life in a teaching context within the guidance tradition, in physical education and in nature-based tourism. The book examines several outdoor life topics related to activity participation, safety, experience and motivation.

Friluftsliv pedagogiske, historiske og sosiologiske perspektiver"




Instagram channel about Adventure Education and Experiential Learning



Alltid beredt! for deg som vil ut

Schjerven, Petter Wilhelm Blichfeldt

Always prepared! is a "scout book" for those who want to enjoy nature. The book gives you basic outdoor life knowledge and practical tips for successful trips, so that you can handle yourself in nature and take your trips to new heights. Norwegians' interest in nature and outdoor life has exploded in recent years, and we seek out nature all year round. We want to go out, and we want to learn! In order to master life outside in all weathers, insight and practical skills are required. Petter Schjerven has long and wide experience of outdoor life, and a burning desire for more people to discover the joy of being out in nature more. I Always prepared! He generously shares his knowledge, and teaches us, among other things, how to make a camp, light a fire, make a snow cave and find the smartest way.

Alltid beredt! for deg som vil ut


An ode to darkness

Sigri Sandberg

For as long as she can remember, Sigri Sandberg has been afraid of the dark. She undertakes a solo voyage to the mountains in the dead of winter to probe the darkness as well as uncover what lies behind her own fear. As she journeys, she introduces us to another woman, Christiane Ritter, who spent a long winter in a trapper’s hut on Svalbard in 1934.
Sandberg writes about what happens to the body at night. She touches on sleep, stars, black holes, northern lights, but also airspace laws and the global struggle to maintain a night sky.
Could it be that the darkness of which Sandberg has been so afraid of, is in fact much more important than we may have thought?

An ode to darkness


Ausbildungs- und Sicherheitshandbuch Erlebnispädagogik

Dirk Nüßer

The “Training and Safety Manual for Experiential Education” is the practical reference work for all of our training courses. Especially, of course, in experiential education training. At the same time, it can provide institutions with useful guidance when creating their own security manuals.

Ausbildungs- und Sicherheitshandbuch Erlebnispädagogik


Australian Journal of Outdoor Education

Australian association of environmental education

" The Australian Journal of Environmental Education (AJEE) is one of the oldest internationally refereed environmental education journals which publishes manuscripts on all aspects of contemporary research and practice.

AJEE provides significant, innovative contributions to research and practice to communicate and stimulate debate for enhancing and expanding the field of environmental education.

AJEE is Gold Open Access and is supported by an international Editorial Executive and Editorial Board."

Australian Journal of Outdoor Education


Bål - Samisk ildkunst

Ryd, Yngve

This book is a detailed collection from Sápmi of traditions and knowledge about bone fires for different purposes.

Bål - Samisk ildkunst



"Do you want to change the world for the better? You’ve come to the right place! Whether you’re new to advocacy or an experienced campaigner you’ll find helpful resources here. All materials are free, digital, and directly available.

The Commons Library includes 1000+ educational resources in a range of formats. Topics include campaign strategy, community organising, working effectively in groups, justice and diversity, creative activism, and much more.

Visit the Browse page for an overview of topics, formats and collections. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about the newest tools for social change. Learn about our Projects and read what our users have to say."



Developing Creativity and Curiosity Outdoors: How to Extend Creative Learning in the Early Years

Julie Johnson, Ann Watts

Designed to inspire early years practitioners and students, this book guides readers through a broad range of ideas and activities that can be applied to different outdoor settings. It uses forest school theories of creative learning and development to encourage children to speak, listen, play and learn while engaging with the natural world. To support each activity, there are case study examples, as well as chapter questions to help improve the outdoor learning experience.

Developing Creativity and Curiosity Outdoors: How to Extend Creative Learning in the Early Years


Die moderne Erlebnispädagogik

er Podcast für alle, die an der modernen Erlebnispädagogik interessiert sind.

Die moderne Erlebnispädagogik


Disconnect: The Outdoor Education Podcast'

Disconnect: The Outdoor Education Podcast' explores the topics of what Outdoor Education is in the modern school setting, what it's role is, where it's headed and why it's more important now than ever. Teachers, camp councilors, scout leaders and anyone interested in outdoor, place-based, experiential learning will find content useful to their teaching. Listeners can expect ideas for direct implementation, thought-provoking dialogue and interviews as well as an opportunity to communicate with the host and share their experiences in the field of Outdoor Education.

Disconnect: The Outdoor Education Podcast'


E&L – erleben und lernen

Ziel verlag

Internationale Zeitschrift für handlungsorientiertes Lernen

E&L – erleben und lernen


Educational Reform - The Task of the Board of Education

Fabian Ware

As well as examining the history and contemporary state of primary and secondary education in England and Wales at the turn of the 19th Century, this volume provides comparative analyses of the education of Germany, Denmark and the British Empire (particularly India). Commercial, industrial and agricultural education is discussed, as is the training of teachers and methods of assessment.

Educational Reform - The Task of the Board of Education

English, German

Erlebnispädagogik - Definition, Ziele, Phasen und Modell der Erlebnispädagogik | ERZIEHERKANAL

Erzieher Kanal

Was ist Erlebnispädagogik? Was steckt genau hinter dem Themengebiet der Erlebnispädagogik? Wie lautet die Definition der Erlebnispädagogik? Welche Ziele und Phasen gibt es? Und was sagt das Modell der Erlebnispädagogik (von Werner Michl) aus? Dies und vieles mehr erfährst du im heutigen Video!

Erlebnispädagogik - Definition, Ziele, Phasen und Modell der Erlebnispädagogik | ERZIEHERKANAL


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