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Fog and Nature

Encounter a tree in a park



Nivel de dificultate


Encounter a tree in a park

In this activity, participants work in pairs, with one blindfolded and the other guiding. The blindfolded person explores trees and surroundings using senses other than sight. Afterward, roles are swapped, allowing both partners to experience nature in different ways. The activity ends with a brief reflection led by the leaders.


Spatial Awareness, Teambuilding, Communication, Outdoor Education, Environment, Outdoor Safety, Non-formal education

Mediu inconjurator

Outdoor, Park

Durata (minute)


Nivel de dificultate


Numărul de participanți

Up to 30

Materiale necesare

  • Blindfolds

  • Park / green area with different trees (not to steep)

Scopuri si obiective

  • Other access to encounter nature and environment

  • Trust Building

  • Participants need to be okay with a more physical activity (getting out of comfort zone)


The group needs to be divided in pairs. Each pair is doing the same task and swapping the roles after a while. One person needs to be blindfolded, the other one is leading the blindfolded person to 1-3 different trees. The blindfolded person is allowed to discover the tree and surrounding terrain by touching, smelling and with all the other senses (without the visual part). After that the other person brings the blindfolded person to a new place (one can turn the person a couple of times around, if it is okay) and then the blindfolded person needs to find the trees again while having the eyes open and being allowed to see again. After this round, the pairs change their role. So everyone has the opportunity to discover nature by using other senses.

After every pair is done, the leaders can make a little reflection.

The leaders are introducing the game and checking if everyone is okay with being physically involved. After the group has been divided in pairs of two, every group gets a blindfold is allowed to start the game individually.

The leaders can either help out, by telling how to lead the person which is blindfolded, or leave it for the reflection.


After every pair has switched roles for once, the group gathers around and makes a circle. The leaders can reflect on the method now: asking about:

  • How did it feel, how did it go?

  • Did you find the trees while seeing them again?

  • How did you lead the other person?

  • What was challenging or difficult?

  • How did you communicate?

Riscuri si recomandari

Cunoașterea și competența facilitatorilor

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