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Fog and Nature

Question Reflection



Რთული ტური


Question Reflection

The Question Reflection activity is a structured and facilitated group discussion designed to address hidden conflicts, tensions, or unspoken issues within a team or group. This method emphasizes the use of open-ended questions to promote deep reflection, active listening, and meaningful communication.


Self-Assessment, Non-formal education, Reflection, Self Reliance, Critical Thinking, Problem solving, Conflict management


Outdoor, Indoor

ხანგრძლივობა (საათები)


სირთულის დონე


Მონაწილეთა რაოდენობა

Up to 30

საჭირო მასალები

  • Questions

  • Flipchart or A4 paper 

  • Marker

Მიზნები და მისწრაფებები

This activity aims to facilitate Open Communication, Address Hidden Conflicts, Build Empathy and Understanding, Promote Active Listening, Create a Safe and Trusting Environment,  Enhance Group Dynamics.


  • Develop the skill of framing questions that encourage thoughtful and detailed responses, promoting deeper insights.

  • Engage participants in active listening techniques, such as paraphrasing and summarizing, to ensure a clear understanding of others' perspectives.

  • Encourage participants to express their own experiences and emotions in response to questions, fostering a more personal and authentic dialogue.

  • Work together to identify common themes or patterns that emerge from the questions and responses, promoting a shared understanding of group dynamics.

  • Collaboratively explore potential solutions or actions based on the insights gained during the activity, fostering a proactive approach to addressing group challenges.

  • Encourage participants to commit to continued open communication beyond the session, ensuring that the dialogue remains ongoing for sustained group development.

By focusing on these aims and objectives, the Question Reflection activity aims to not only address immediate concerns within the group but also to equip participants with valuable communication and collaboration skills for long-term success.


1. Introduction (10 minutes):

  • The session begins with a warm welcome and an overview of the purpose of the activity.

  • The facilitator sets a positive tone, emphasizing the importance of creating a safe and respectful space for open communication.

  • Ground rules are established for active listening, and respect for diverse perspectives.

2. Icebreaker (5 minutes):

  • To ease participants into the session, a brief icebreaker is conducted to promote relaxation and camaraderie.

  • This could be a light and non-threatening activity that encourages participants to share something interesting about themselves and bring everyone’s attention to one point.

3. Questioning Round (30 minutes):

  • Participants are invited to sit in a circle, creating a sense of equality and inclusivity.

  • Each participant takes turns asking open-ended questions related to any concerns, tensions, or unspoken issues within the group.

  • The questions are framed to explore feelings, perspectives, and expectations without assigning blame or making accusatory statements.

  • The person, or smaller teams within the group receiving the question reacts without providing direct answers or statements.

  • After a question is asked, the group is given a few minutes for thinking and reflecting without giving out the answers.

  • If the group is too hesitant to start asking questions, facilitators take turns and ask deep, open and conversation-starter questions on topics they think are the most important in the group for the moment.

4. Reflection and Discussion (10 minutes):

  • Following the questioning round, the facilitator guides a group reflection on the insights gained.

  • Participants share their observations, feelings, and any shifts in perception that occurred during the activity.

  • The facilitator encourages participants to discuss common themes or patterns that emerged from the questions and responses.


  • How did you feel when answering the questions posed to you in silence?

  • What surprised you the most about the questions during this activity?

  • In what ways did your perspective or understanding evolve as the activity progressed?

  • How did the activity impact your perception of the group dynamics?

  • Were there any moments where you felt particularly challenged or uncomfortable, and why?

  • Did you notice any common themes or patterns emerging from the questions?

  • What did you learn about yourself through the questions asked by others?

  • How do you think this activity has contributed to building trust within the group?

  • What aspects of the group dynamic do you believe need further exploration or discussion?

  • In what ways can we continue to promote open communication beyond this session?

The facilitator summarizes key takeaways from the session, emphasizing the importance of the insights gained. Participants collaboratively identify potential action items or strategies for addressing the concerns raised during the activity. The session concludes with a commitment from participants to continue open communication and support each other in implementing agreed-upon actions.

რისკები და რეკომენდაციები

  • Acknowledge that emotions may arise, and the facilitator should be prepared to manage them appropriately, ensuring a supportive environment.

  • Recognize that some conflicts may not be fully resolved during the session, and participants may need ongoing support.

  • Trained facilitators are crucial to guide the discussion, manage time effectively, and maintain a constructive atmosphere;

ფასილიტატორების ცოდნა და კომპეტენცია

A skilled “Question Reflection” facilitator possesses a combination of crucial competencies. Effective communication skills are paramount to convey instructions and guide discussions, while active listening fosters an empathetic connection with participants. Cultural sensitivity ensures inclusivity, and adaptability allows for tailored facilitation approaches. Time management guarantees the smooth progression of the activity, and a background in group facilitation, coupled with reflective practice, promotes personal and professional growth.

რომ გვახსოვდეს...

  • Define clear objectives and identify the ongoing situations in the group,

  • Create a safe environment,

  • Select appropriate setting,

  • Prepare open-ended questions before the session in case the participants are hesitant in the beginning,

  • Thorough Preparation,

  • Encourage inclusivity,

  • Effective time management

  • Acknowledge and handle emotional responses with sensitivity.

  • Be flexible and adaptive to the dynamics of the group.

  • Seek participant feedback.


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