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Fog and Nature

Outdoor Diary



Რთული ტური


Outdoor Diary

This is a tool for learning and reflection. After an outdoor activity like a hike, camping or a day activity, the students get to reflect on their learning and to be more prepared for their next outdoor adventure.


Non-formal education, Self-Assessment, Reflection, Creativity


Outdoor, Indoor

ხანგრძლივობა (საათები)


სირთულის დონე


Მონაწილეთა რაოდენობა

No Limit

საჭირო მასალები

  • Notebook

  • Pen

  • Coloured pencils

  • Markers

Მიზნები და მისწრაფებები

  • To make reflections and to be aware of one's own learning process.

  • To feel more confident and prepared for future outdoor activities.


  1. What did you do? Draw or write!

  2. Top 5 good moments

  3. Top 5 difficult moments, why do you mention these, and what you can do differently the next time?

  4. Planning: How did the planning go before? Did everything go as planned during the activity, or did anything unexpected happen?  What went well and what could be done differently?

  5. Food: What did you eat and how did you prepare it? Would you make this again? Any possible improvements?

  6. Sleep: How did you sleep? Why did you sleep good/bad, and if you need to, what can you do differently the next time?

  7. Top 5 learning points from this activity


რისკები და რეკომენდაციები

ფასილიტატორების ცოდნა და კომპეტენცია

რომ გვახსოვდეს...

This activity can be done before a group reflection in order to let everyone take their time to reflect before they share with others.

The activity benefits self-development, self-awareness, communication, critical thinking, goal-setting, adaptability and is a good tool for outdoor education.

With a modification this activity could also work for children.

Challenges with this activity could be that the students are disturbing each other, that they can't concentrate or have the motivation to do it. In order to prevent this, make sure the activity is explained well and that the location for the activity fits the group.


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