Land ART
Რთული ტური
Land ART
This activity involves an introduction to land art followed by a group trip to collect natural materials. Participants then create individual or group land art pieces using these materials, with optional indoor crafting. Finally, they present their creations and discuss how they address provided questions.

Creativity, Reflection, Communication, Environment, Non-formal education
Indoor, Outdoor
ხანგრძლივობა (საათები)
სირთულის დონე
Მონაწილეთა რაოდენობა
Up to 30
საჭირო მასალები
Next to all the materials you find in the nature
Glue (stick and liquid)
Paper / Carton
Pencils (coloured)
Ribbons / elastic bands / laces
Paints / Colours
Toothpicks / wooden sticks
Any kind of crafting materials
Მიზნები და მისწრაფებები
Land Art means also nature/landscape art, so doing art in nature but also using nature for creating. It is a pedagogical method connected to education of sustainable development as we are using (more or less) nature as a material for the making process.
One can develop creativity skills in fusion with being outside, learning what's coming from nature (which materials are given), and understanding nature and natural environments. As we develop aesthetic perception and sensibility as well as raise consciousness for compositions, colors and forms.
While answering a question with the individual art piece, one can reflect on deeper thinking f.e. About yourself and sustainable goals (depends on the question which was chosen before). Individual task, but everyone is invited to present their piece in the end to the group.
There are four parts of the activity.
First the preparation through an introduction of the method, given by the leaders. They explain what is to be expected and they are given options of questions, which should be answered by the participants individually.
The second part is the collecting of the materials in nature. That group goes together to a green area (park, forest, …) to find different kinds of objects which can be used for the land art piece. Then it is optional, either it can be an individual task or in smaller groups.
After that the group walks back to the seminar house and the creative process begins either indoors (if it is too cold outside) or while it's summer, that can also be happening outdoors. The leaders are offering some more material for handcrafting (like glue, scissors, etc.)
After everyone finished their piece, a small presentation in the plenum should follow. The participants are invited to explain how they answered the question within the piece. Of course participants are invited to do it, but it is never mandatory.
For the instruction of the method, leaders are invited to make a little presentation of “Land Art”. One can show examples and pictures of pieces as well as telling a little about the background of the method as it is coming from an art movement from the USA in the 1960s.
Artists were using nature to create something new and making provocative gestures in nature. Today in the educational field it has become a popular method which connects to sustainable education. (producing less waste, being in nature, etc.)
Finding at least two questions how could be answered with the land art piece is a task of the leaders and need to be prepared and instructed after the explanation of the task. For example these could be questions for the group:
What can I contribute to a better world?
What do I want for the future?
Leaders should accompany the group during the collecting process and set a time for meeting again.
While the creating process it could be helpful if the leaders are showing or helping with the different kinds of materials (if necessary).
For the presentation is it good if one of the leaders is leading the group through the exhibition and asks individually to present their pieces in the plenum.
რისკები და რეკომენდაციები
It is a method which is working very well with every kind of target group because it has easy access and no need for a lot of experience (only knowing how to use a scissor or glue).
If used with younger children, they should know how to use a scissor. No other risks.
ფასილიტატორების ცოდნა და კომპეტენცია
Some basic understanding of creating and handcrafting is helpful.
რომ გვახსოვდეს...
The activity is a bit long and separated in different sections. Make sure you have enough time especially for the collecting and creating part.