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Fog and Nature

Critical Consumption City Walk



Რთული ტური


Critical Consumption City Walk

In this activity, participants are divided into groups using animal names, each group receiving an envelope with themed questions. They then embark on a critical consumption walk in the city, using only a map and compass to find answers related to environmental topics like green spaces, mobility, energy, and consumption.


Spatial Awareness, Environment, Non-formal education, Teambuilding, Self-Assessment, Critical Thinking


Outdoor, Park

ხანგრძლივობა (საათები)


სირთულის დონე


Მონაწილეთა რაოდენობა

Up to 30

საჭირო მასალები

  • City Map

  • Compass

  • Pens

  • Sheets of Paper (with the questionnaire)

  • Envelop

Მიზნები და მისწრაფებები

  • Discovering the neighborhoods and city

  • Critical consumption thinking

  • Group task


It depends on how many participants one has, ideally you can divide in four or five different groups. Each group gets an envelope with topics to answer which also has different themes and questions.

To form the groups you can put names of animals on little papers and give everyone participants one paper sheet. After a sign of the leader, everyone needs to find their group partners, while making the sound of the animal.

Once the groups are clear, they are ready to read their questionnaires and leave the place for going into the city while only using a map and a compass (no phones allowed).

The topics can differ for the critical consumption walk. Our participants were researching on the four topics of: green (find greenhouses, parks, how many green places are in the city, biodiversity questions, garbage solutions), mobility (analyzing local transport,cargo bikes to find, e-car charger,...), energy (find solar panels, local library wifi access,...) and consumption (zero waste shops, ask about regional + seasonal food on the local farmers market second hand stores,...).

Generally it could be any specific theme about environmentalism and protection of the environment.

After each group finds out their answers, they are allowed to come back to the seminar house and wait until everyone arrives

And the reflection and evaluation process can begin..

For the instruction of the method, leaders are invited to explain the rules and order of the activity. Once this is communicated, the group forming process can start and the groups get their envelopes as well as a compass and a map.

Leaders could collect the smartphones (optional). ANd the groups are ready to go into the city and start answering the questions written on the paper sheet in the envelopes.

After two hours, the participants should be back in the room / plenum for a reflection time and discussion about the answers.

As mentioned, it's optional to use different kinds of reflection methods.


რისკები და რეკომენდაციები

It is a method which is working well with every kind of target group as it has easy access (the participants only know how to use a map and compass).

If used with younger children, they should know how to use a scissor. No other risks.

ფასილიტატორების ცოდნა და კომპეტენცია

Some basic understanding of how to read a map and compass explanation (if necessary).

რომ გვახსოვდეს...

Timing! Make sure everyone gets the information that the group is going to meet again in two hours for the reflection.


დანართი და დასაბეჭდად:


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