Portrait Drawing with Language Animation
Portrait Drawing with Language Animation
In this activity, participants first learn facial anatomy in English, then translate the terms into their native or mixed language. Next, they sit in a circle and take turns drawing one feature of each other's faces, passing the paper around until each detail is drawn. Finally, they display and discuss the portraits as a group."

Creativity, Non-formal education, Communication, Teambuilding
Outdoor, Indoor
Varighet (minutter)
Antall deltakere
Up to 50
Materialer som trengs
White Paper
Coloured Pencils / Crayons or Eddings
Tape (to hang on the wall)
Mål og målsetninger
For the group to get to know each other a little better (good for a begin in the project)
To introduce the participating people with their cultures by hearing words in the different languages
Learning new words
Develop a bit of creative skills or to break down those barriers of drawing (it doesn’t matter how good one can draw in this task)
Fun and laughing activity
Presenting in a first step the parts of a face in English on a flipchart: face shape, eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, ears, hair, further characteristics of the face (wrinkles, liver spot/s ..), accessories (ear rings, other piercings, tattoos ..). Now translating these parts into a language that is spoken in this group or a mix of them all (spontaneously). Bring all of these on the paper / flipchart and hang it on the wall.
Afterwards the exercise of drawing starts. The group sits in a circle, facing each other and gets a paper and a pencil / crayon. Then everyone starts with drawing one detail of the face (eyes, nose, whatever is fine to start with) of the person who sits in front and write the name of him/her on top of the paper.
After that, every paper goes turned down on the ground / floor and everyone is invited to choose another paper to continue. Another part of the face should be drawn. The group is not allowed to move while drawing, so that everyone can see everyone.
This continues until every detail of the face is being drawn by the group.
After the last switch, the papers are going to stay shortly in the middle of the circle on the floor, so that everyone can see how the group has depicted each other. After that the group can hang the portraits (if everyone is fine with it) on the wall of the seminar room.
Leaders need to provide the materials, instructions for the language animation with the flipcharts and synchronize with the group for changing with the portrait papers. Watch the time, it should be not more than 20 seconds for every part of drawing.
After the activity, where there is usually a lot of laughing happening, it can be nice to take a little gallery walk and point out what the group has produced.